2005 - 2011 Yet-Older News, from rebresearch.com.
A thought from our president, R.E. Buxbaum: "If you don't know it, it's still news."
July, 2011: REB Research unveils it's new hydrogen separator cell design with internal heat exchange. This new designs saves energy, and provides higher purity than possible with external heat exchange.
May 2011: Robert Buxbaum just finished an analysis of the main tritium recovery loop for the ITER (Paris) nuclear fusion reactor. Sorry to say, I can't share any details; they're all classified for no apparent reason.
March 2011: New article on the source of hydrogen explosions at nuclear plants and a product we sell to reduce the risks.
March 2011: Completed tests of a new Methanol Reformer for use with high temperature, PEM fuel cells, hydrogen generators, and as a supply of reformate to membrane evaluation experiments. Now available.
January 2011: Hydrogen sources for fuel cell automobiles: what advantages can you get by powering a car with hydrogen. Choose your hydrogen supply to maximize these advantages. Robert Buxbaum makes the case for on-board hydrogen generators.
January 2011: See a review of the options for laboratory hydrogen comparing hydrogen generators to hydrogen in bottles as it applies to supplying hydrogen for gas chromatography and other standard laboratory applications.
November 2010: Argonne Lab finds our membranes useful to improve gas chromatographic sensitivity for analysis of gas mixtures in hydrogen.
Summer 2010: The folks at Earthtech test cold fusion using one of our hydrogen purifiers.
March 2010: REB Research receives safety certification for its 900 C furnace.
February 2010: We've uploaded a safety, and cost comparison between membrane reactor hydrogen generators and the use of bottled hydrogen gas. This is compared to electrolysis hydrogen generators. The limited output of hydrogen generators provides big safety advantages. Membrane reactor hydrogen generators provide purity advantages over electrolysis hydrogen generation; hydrogen from the latter usually contains a significant amount of water vapor, while hydrogen generated in a membrane reactor comes out dry and virtually 100% pure.
November 2010: Argonne Lab finds our membranes useful to improve gas chromatographic sensitivity for analysis of gas mixtures in hydrogen.
Summer 2010: The folks at Earthtech test cold fusion using one of our hydrogen purifiers.
March 2010: REB Research receives safety certification for its 900 C furnace.
February 2010: We've uploaded a safety, and cost comparison between membrane reactor hydrogen generators and the use of bottled hydrogen gas.
This is compared to electrolysis hydrogen generators. The limited output of hydrogen generators provides big safety advantages.
Membrane reactor hydrogen generators provide purity advantages over electrolysis hydrogen generation; hydrogen from the latter usually contains a significant amount of water vapor, while hydrogen generated in a membrane reactor comes out dry and virtually 100% pure.
June 2009: REB Research was awarded a $100,000 grant
from the DoE to develop Ti2AlNb-clad high temperature, oxidation resistant materials for Generation IV nuclear applications.
April 2009: We now accept credit card payment through PayPal:
January 2009: Robert Buxbaum interview about the hydrogen economy by Eco20/20, a green power clearing house.
December 2008: We produced and sold our largest membrane reactor hydrogen generator to-date. The output is 150 scfh of ultra-pure hydrogen; the input is 2.5/1 (by volume) methanol and water.
September 2008: We've moved to a new building 12851 Capital St., Oak Park, MI 48237. Same phone number, and four times more space to serve you better. For location on the map
June 2007: New Grant, and visit by ex-president Bill Clinton and MI Governor J. Grandholm.
May 2005: Exciting, big grant.